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Customer service

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  • When you've completed your purchase, an order confirmation is sent to the email you submitted at checkout. When the goods have been dispatched from our warehouse, an update will also be sent to your email with your delivery and tracking information. You can expect your product in 1-3 working days from purchase.

  • Your receipt is sent to you in your order confirmation email. Check your inbox alternatively in your spam.

  • Your receipt is sent to you in your order confirmation email. Check your inbox alternatively in your spam.

  • If you received the wrong goods or if something is out of the ordinary, take a picture and send it to our customer service at support.eu@nicks.com. We will help you and make it right.

  • When you have completed your payment you'll be redirected to an order confirmation page. You will also receive an order confirmation email sent to the email address you provided at the checkout. If you have not received any confirmation by e-mail, please contact our customer service on support.eu@nicks.com.

  • When you've confirmed your order, an order number is automatically created, this to make the delivery as efficient and quick as possible. Thus we cannot guarantee that we can remove or change your order. Contact our customer service at support.eu@nicks.com and we will help you further.

  • Check our different alternatives at checkout!

  • You do not have to register in order to become a N!CK'S customer. However, there are many advantages to register. You can quickly check out, see historical orders and receive exciting offers.